
Case Study: Communique

October 18, 2018
Case Studies

2 min read

The Challenge

Before working with Novatech, Communiqué was working with another IT partner and didn’t feel like they had a relationship where they could ask for recommendations and guidance regarding IT policies and best practices. They weren’t confident that their hardware/software was being properly backed up and protected with the latest security patches. There was no accurate reporting or IT planning in place. They did not feel like they were being consulted with IT advice from their IT partner so they decided to speak with Novatech.

The Solution

The Novatech team has helped resolve the challenges that Communiqué was facing in the past. There is no longer any doubt about proper backups and IT planning.  “Novatech offers so much more than the typical IT support company. They offer dedicated account managers that are truly eager to help your business achieve success with any IT related need.  They offer quarterly reports to provide insight into potential issues that could arise within your company’s infrastructure/network. They are proactive partners that help alleviate any fears you might have about the security of your company’s data/network/equipment,” said Christal Young, Director of Information at Communiqué.

The Results

Communiqué is highly satisfied with the results they have seen since signing on with Novatech. They predict they will continue to see consistent results as their partnership continues. “The customer service far exceeds my expectations, and engineers are always confirming that the service has been performed to our expectations,” Young said.


Communiqué USA, Inc. opened in 2002 and provides marketing project relief and support to marketing departments throughout Atlanta and around the country. By providing Marketing Staffing, Creative Services and HR Communications solutions, they can help their customers to operate more efficiently and effectively and with a greater sense of well-being.


Written By: Editorial Team

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