
Make the Move to a Managed Cloud

Make the Move to a Managed Cloud

Your Business Runs Better in a Managed Cloud


Wondering if it’s time to transition business applications and data to a better cloud-based environment?


Why Make the Move to a Managed Cloud Environment

Do your customer-facing employees get frustrated when down computers and servers prevent them from doing their jobs? How often do unexpected network outages hamper customer service excellence? You need more help to reduce outages and handle day-to-day IT duties. Another concern might be secure data storage of financial and customer information to satisfy regulatory and security compliance. Is your current cloud solution divided among hosting providers scattered across the country? That could make it harder for your IT team to ensure secure data storage nationwide. Using or sharing data is essential for quality service, but businesses need security and permissions in place to ensure appropriate access by employees, customers and third parties. Documents like EHRs, statements or invoices need to be readily available to authorized individuals, keeping confidentiality paramount.

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Immediate Support: The IT experts at our 24/7/365 Help Desk provide quick responses, actionable solutions, and unparalleled support.
Secure Data: Routinely backed up to several highly secure data centers your cloud servers and your data isn’t going anywhere, even if hackers were to try.
Industry Experts: Our team can not only identify but securely implement and maintain the best cloud solutions for your business needs.
Single-Source Service: As you integrate cloud technology into your business, you’ll be grateful for one point of contact and one full-service cloud solution.

Run Your Business from a Single Cloud-based Environment

From security and technology reliability standpoints, more businesses are choosing to bring everything up to speed into a single cloud-based solution.

The Novatech Business Cloud secures corporate assets against accidental exposure. Businesses, agencies, and other organizations count on the Managed Cloud to keep data not only accessible, but secure. A cloud solution must be extraordinarily stable and secure, so we host our cloud servers in a state-of-the-art, redundant data centers.

Multiple Locations Not a Problem Anymore

Even if none of your applications have ever run in a cloud environment before, that’s not an obstacle. Many SMBs in healthcare, finance, automotive, real estate, legal and other industries have had smooth sailing with managed cloud environments.

We can implement an on-premise client-server solution, a Hybrid Cloud or a SaaS cloud/hosted solution with 24x7x365 technical support. As a nationwide provider, we support Managed Cloud customers wherever they’re located nationwide or around the world.

As a hosting environment, the Business Cloud delivers availability, security and reliability to every location and on the road while mobile. A cloud transition involves moving many or all day-to-day operations to the cloud-hosted at Novatech’s secure, managed data centers.

Advantages of a Managed Cloud Technology Framework

  • Accessibility lets businesses do things right the first time for customers, patients, employees, partners and others.
  • Customer experience becomes more attentive and personalized.
  • With cloud-based operations and digital tools like iPads, companies gain greater mobility in the field and on the road.
  • Mobile employees enjoy total working flexibility, with data accessibility at home or on the road.
  • 24/7/365 user support and network management ensure continuity and uptime across all offices and locations.
  • Your staff can work without frustrations and distractions, with confidence in the system’s stability and reliability.

Harold Earls, COO, Zac Brown Collective

“Zac Brown Collective has a very complex IT infrastructure. Novatech has been an outstanding partner, providing quality and reliable IT support for our team.”


Dr. Anthony Mari. CEO, TactusMD

“They provide as close to perfect uptime as anyone possibly can, and they are responsive. We are [also] confident that when you log-in, there is security that will protect your ID and information.”


Aaron Sibley, Site Design and IT Project Manager. Habitat for Humanity

“Our ongoing service with Novatech is great. My team enjoys working with both the onsite technicians as well as the voices on the phone. Implementation of services has always gone smoothly, because when problems arise the team is already in place to quickly fix them.”


Your Applications and Data, Whenever You Need It